Criminal Defense Services

Criminal Defense Attorney for New Jersey and New York

If you or a loved one has been arrested or charged with an offense it's imperative that you contact a lawyer immediately.

Whether you’ve been charged with an offense in Federal, State or Municipal Court the consequences can follow you for the rest of your life. The Law Office of Charles Alvarez, Esq. will ensure that your rights are being protected and that you are being treated fairly.

It’s important that you have someone experienced to represent you so that you are well informed of what is happening every step of the way.  From arrest to possible sentencing, Charles will guide you through that process so that you arrive at the best possible result for your case.

“Whether you’ve been charged with an offense in Federal, State or Municipal Court the consequences can follow you for the rest of your life.”

In New Jersey criminal cases are heard before two separate courts: the Superior Court and the Municipal Court. 

Superior Court

The Superior Court of New Jersey hears the more serious criminal cases – those classified as “indictable offenses”. These offenses are divided into 4 degrees and there is a presumption of imprisonment for 1st and 2nd degree offenses.

Municipal Court

Municipal courts carry out most of the day-to-day work of the New Jersey court system handling motor vehicle and parking tickets, municipal ordinance offenses and disorderly persons offenses.  Although these cases are considered less severe than indictable offenses, they still hold the possibility of a county jail sentence.

“Hiring an attorney is crucial whether your case is being heard in Superior or Municipal Court”

Hiring an attorney and gaining legal representation is crucial whether your case is being heard before Superior or Municipal Court

The Law Office of Charles Alvarez Esq. will be able to help you with:

  • Ensuring that your rights are protected and you are being treated fairly;
  • Reviewing and analyzing the evidence and formulating the correct legal strategy;
  • Informing you of your charges and what the potential consequences are.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All cases are reviewed by our legal team prior to them being accepted – not all cases are accepted for representation by the law firm.

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